Unxt quotes Weibo component to report an error

the component can be displayed normally by referencing this interface at first, then the error shown in the figure above is reported after requesting Weibo interface:
< wb:like appkey= "111" type=" simple "style=" display: inline-block;padding-top: 20pxash paddingMuttright: 15px; "> < / wb:like >
my js and head are both referenced. The XML namespace (< html xmlns:wb= " http://open.weibo.com/wb";>) is just not referenced in the XML tag. Could it be caused by this?

            <div class="itemlist" v-for="itemw in weiboList">
               <div class="titleDiv">
                 <div class="textArt" :class="{"textActive":!itemw.state}" v-html="itemw.content"></div>
               <wb:like appkey="5q5ekV" type="simple" style="display: inline-block;padding-top: 20px;padding-right: 15px;"></wb:like>
               <wb:share-button appkey="333" :title="itemw.content" addition="simple" type="button" ralateUid="111" language="zh_cn" style="display: inline-block; padding-right: 15px;"></wb:share-button>
               <wb:follow-button uid="111" type="red_1" width="67" height="24" style="display: inline-block;" ></wb:follow-button>
    head() {
      return {
        title: this.mataTitle,
        meta: [
          {property:"og:type",content: "article",name:"type"},
          {property:"og:url",content: "http://m.weibo.cn/2190519260",name:"url"},
          {property:"og:title",content: "",name:"title"},
          {property:"og:description",content: ""}
        script: [
          { src: "https://tjs.sjs.sinajs.cn/open/api/js/wb.js" }

I have added meta tags according to Weibo components, why can I display the components outside the loop and report this error if I write it inside?
