El-table, echarts pie chart rendering exception that displays data when the mouse is hovering

demand: pie chart showing some data in the row during mouse hover
question 1. Each time the mouse hovers, it takes the pie chart data of the current row and passes it to the sub-component, but why does the sub-component print the data 5 times
question 2. After the page is refreshed, the picture of the first mouse hover can not come out, the data is also printed in the sub-components, but the title of the pie chart comes out


figure 1: mouse hover "View details". After the main component prints out, it is only a set of data, while the sub-component prints


5 times.

tabular data
tableData: [{

    date: "A05678",
    name: "Z",
    address: "Team Leader",
    chartdata: [
      { value: 15.5, name: "" },
      { value: 24.5, name: "" },
      { value: 18.8, name: "" },
      { value: 32.5, name: "" },
      { value: 17.5, name: "" },
      { value: 16.8, name: "" },
      { value: 17.5, name: "" }
  }, {
    date: "10006",
    name: "L",
    address: "Tec Leader",
    chartdata: [
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 40, name: "" }
  }, {
    date: "A05666",
    name: "X",
    address: "CSR",
    chartdata: [
      { value: 20, name: "" },
      { value: 20, name: "" },
      { value: 20, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" },
      { value: 10, name: "" }
  }, {
    date: "100088",
    name: "W",
    address: "Team Leader",
    chartdata: [
      { value: 5, name: "" },
      { value: 5, name: "" },
      { value: 5, name: "" },
      { value: 5, name: "" },
      { value: 40, name: "" },
      { value: 20, name: "" },
      { value: 20, name: "" }
  }, {
    date: "100055",
    name: "G",
    address: "Tec Leader",
    chartdata: [
      { value: 17.5, name: "" },
      { value: 24.5, name: "" },
      { value: 18.8, name: "" },
      { value: 32.5, name: "" },
      { value: 17.5, name: "" },
      { value: 16.8, name: "" },
      { value: 15.5, name: "" }

parent component html

 <el-table-column  prop="date"  label="CASE"  sortable  width="140">
                  <template slot-scope="scope">
                    <el-popover trigger="hover" placement="bottom" 
                    @show="showCurrentChart(scope.row)" @hide="hideCurrentChart(scope.row)">
                      <tbchart :chart-data="chartData" :draw-chart="drawChart"></tbchart>
                      <div slot="reference" class="name-wrapper">
                        <span style="color:-sharp3E8DDD"></span>

parent component method:

    showCurrentChart(currentRow) {
      this.chartData = []
      this.drawChart = true
      this.chartData = currentRow.chartdata
      console.log("", this.chartData)
    hideCurrentChart(currentRow) {
      this.drawChart = false
      this.chartData = []

Sub-component tbchart:

<!--  -->
  <div class="wrapper">
    <div id="myChart" :style="{width: "450px", height: "300px"}"></div>

import echarts from "echarts"
export default {
  name: "tbchart",
  props: {
    chartData: {
      type: Array
    drawChart: {
      type: Boolean
  data() {
    return {
  //   components: {
  //     addSolutions
  //   },
  watch: {
    drawChart(newVal, oldVal) {
      console.log("", newVal)
      if (newVal) {
        console.log("", JSON.stringify(this.chartData))
  mounted() {
    this.$nextTick(() => {
      console.log("", this.chartData)
  destroyed() {
  methods: {
    drawLine(data) {
      const myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById("myChart"), "macarons")
        title: {
          text: "CASE",
          subtext: "",
          textStyle: {// 
            color: "-sharp303133",
            fontStyle: "normal",
            fontWeight: "bold",
            fontFamily: "sans-serif",
            fontSize: 16
          x: "center"
        center: ["55%", "60%"],
        tooltip: {
          trigger: "item",
          formatter: "{b} : {c}%"
        // legend: {
        //   orient: "vertical",
        //   x: "left",
        //   data: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
        // },
        series: [
            name: "CASE ",
            type: "pie",
            radius: ["30%", "60%"],
            center: ["55%", "55%"],
            avoidLabelOverlap: false,
            formatter: "{a|{a}}{abg|}\n{hr|}\n  {b|{b}:}{c}  {per|{d}%}  ",
            data: data,
            itemStyle: {
              normal: {
                label: {
                  show: true,
                  formatter: "{b} : {c}%"
                labelLine: { show: true }

<style scoped rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss">
// @import "./common.scss";

use jsfiddle to provide an example that can be run online

answer it yourself. It has been solved that each component that generates an echarts pie chart should carry a unique ID value, and then the only container can be found when drawing
