What is the loading order of split chunk in webpack 4?

Webpack 4 replaces CommonChunkPlugin with SplitChunkPlugin. After packaging, a chunk may depend on multiple chunk. What is the loading order of these dependent chunk?
if it is parallel, isn"t it wrong that there is a dependency between them?
if it is serial, the more chunk is loaded, the slower the first screen display will be.


SplitChunkPlugin can load both asynchronously and synchronously.

Asynchronous loading. Although it loads multiple files at the same time and makes full use of the performance of the browser, it does not mean to run asynchronously. The code in the js file is executed according to the sequence of code blocks, and wait asynchronously if it is not loaded. Considering the impact of file size on the application, SplitChunkPlugin needs to set these options for the output file:

  minSize: 30000,
  maxSize: 0,
  minChunks: 1,
  maxAsyncRequests: 5,
  maxInitialRequests: 3,
For more information, please see the official document optimization.splitChunks
