The keyup event of el-table is invalid

el-table wants to press and hold shift for multiple selections. The general idea is to listen for keyboard events, enable keydown multiple selections, and disable keyup multiple selections

<el-table @keydown.shift.native="shiftdown" @keyup.shift.native="shiftup">

the above code, keydown can enter the method, keyup is not easy to use, how should I write to capture keyup events, I package a div in the outermost layer is still invalid.

<div @keydown.shift.native="shiftdown" @keyup.shift.native="shiftup">

judge shift use e.shiftKey
judge ctrl use e.ctrlKey

Hello, keyup event, the corresponding div must have accessible focus. El-table needs to be added manually.

 document.getElementsByClassName('el-table__body-wrapper')[0].setAttribute("tabindex", "0");

I added it directly on el-table__body-wrapper.
I hope it will be helpful to you.
