Nuxt microwave module reports an error

add Weibo components to the loop:

           <div class="itemlist" v-for="itemw in weiboList">
               <div class="titleDiv">
                 <div class="textArt" :class="{"textActive":!itemw.state}" v-html="itemw.content"></div>
               <wb:like appkey="5q5ekV" type="simple"></wb:like>
               <wb:share-button appkey="333" :title="itemw.content" addition="simple" type="button" ralateUid="22" language="zh_cn""></wb:share-button>
               <wb:follow-button uid="1" type="red_1" width="67" height="24"></wb:follow-button>

reference in the current interface:

    head() {
      return {
        title: this.mataTitle,
        meta: [
          {property:"og:type",content: "article",name:"type"},
          {property:"og:url",content: "",name:"url"},
          {property:"og:title",content: "",name:"title"},
          {property:"og:description",content: ""}
        script: [
          { src: "" }

API method:

    mounted: function () {
      http.get("weibo/list").then(function (response) {
          _this.weiboList = response.list;

component reports an error:

but if I write the component outside the loop, it will show the component even though it reports an error, why it doesn"t show the component when written inside the loop.

the error message is wb:follow-button component is not registered
