Baidu map Cannot read property 'setStyle' of undefined

problem description

using point aggregation BmlMarkerClusterer + bm-marker + bm-label will report an error, and the effect will display normally

[Vue warn]: Error in callback for watcher "labelStyle": "TypeError: Cannot read property "setStyle" of undefined"

found in

---> <BmLabel>
             <Map> at src/views/baiduMap/index.vue
               <AppMain> at src/views/layout/components/AppMain.vue
                 <Layout> at src/views/layout/Layout.vue
                   <App> at src/App.vue

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

bm-marker + bm-label alone does not report an error, and the effect is displayed normally

related codes

    <bm-city-list anchor="BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT"></bm-city-list>
    <bml-marker-clusterer :averageCenter="true">
        v-for="(marker,index) of markers"
        :position="{lng: marker.lng, lat:}"
        :icon="{url: marker.icon , size: {width: 32, height: 32}}"
          :labelStyle="{color: marker.color , fontSize : "14px"}"
          :offset="{width: -44, height: 30}"



import { BmlMarkerClusterer } from "vue-baidu-map";
export default {
  name: "Map",
  data() {
    return {
      markers: [
          lng: 120.277888,
          lat: 30.289263,
          info: "120.277,30.289",
          color: "green",
          icon: ""
          lng: 120.390572,
          lat: 30.273794,
          info: "120.390,30.273",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
          lng: 120.13071,
          lat: 30.187423,
          info: "120.130,30.187",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
          lng: 120.489357,
          lat: 30.392492,
          info: "120.489,30.392",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
          lng: 121.552173,
          lat: 31.344557,
          info: "120.489,30.392",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
          lng: 121.497413,
          lat: 31.198628,
          info: "120.489,30.392",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
          lng: 121.468667,
          lat: 31.114078,
          info: "120.489,30.392",
          color: "red",
          icon: ""
  mounted() {
    // for (let i = 0; i < 10; iPP) {
    //   const position = {lng: Math.random() * 40 + 85, lat: Math.random() * 30 + 21}
    //   this.markers.push(position)
    // }
  methods: {
    goInfo(e) {
  components: {

<style lang="scss" scoped>
/*  */
.map {
  width: 100%;
  height: 600px;

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

use point aggregation BmlMarkerClusterer + bm-marker + bm-label effect to display normally
expect not to report vue warn


data () {
return {

labelStyle: {color: marker.color , fontSize : '14px'}

< bm-label
: content= ""
: labelStyle= "labelStyle"
: offset= "{width:-44, height: 30}"
/ >
Summary: labelStyle style is defined as an object in data, and then labelStyle objects are used in labelStyle.
