Get openid interactively

put aside the interface that gets the list of users, and other ways to get openid interactively

1. The user sends a message to the official account, which can get openid

2. .

is there any other interactive way to get the current user"s openid?
every time you say a different one, it gives you a "helpful" oh


after users comment on an article, you can also obtain openid
View the comment data of the specified article (new API)

{ "errcode" : 0, "errmsg"  : "ok" , "total" : TOTAL           //commentsize 
around"comment" : [{ 
    user_comment_id : USER_COMMENT_ID     //id 
    aroundopenid : OPENID                 //openid 
    aroundcreate_time : CREATE_TIME       // 
    aroundcontent : CONTENT               //
    aroundcomment_type : IS_ELECTED       //01true
    around reply :around { content : CONTENT          //
    around create_time : CREATE_TIME                   // } 