Consult the antd scheduling problem

when using antd"s table, if you add a sort field to the title (sorter:true, use onchange listening)
the sort on the URL is that the first click is in positive order, the second click is in reverse order, and the third click is out of order, and the sorted title appears when the mouse hovers.
what I need is how to modify the title that appears only by clicking the small arrow on the header and hovering the mouse over the small arrow (for example,


the effect I want is just the opposite of yours. Is our UI library not used correctly? I'm what you need now, but I need the demo effect you gave above

the method below is the feature of the old version, the new version does not support this choice, change to the whole header to start sorting, if you must use this method You can reduce the version of antd to one of 2.x, but the loss outweighs the gain
