I would like to ask you that I have just created and played demo with VUECLI3.0. I have not changed anything. As soon as I run it, I report an error, and I also report an error in the creation of vue ui.

node v11.6.0
npm 6.5.0
vue cli 3.3.0



< H1 > final solution: < / H1 >
rm -fr node_modules package-lock.json
npm install
npm run serve
Note: yarn install can also solve this problem

first of all, your router.js is written as router.sj, and then you post the code in router.js that is store.js
according to your error prompt You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type , maybe your dependency installation is incomplete, so you can't handle vue single files. You need to reinstall. Try npm install reinstall


check the official issue It is found that all the problems in vue-cli 3.3.0 are

that downgraded the webpack version to 4.28.0.

I see that there is a way to remove dynamic introduction components from router

import About from './views/About.vue';
component: About,

you are not posting router.js. router.sj also has spelling problems. Please edit the question again.

the problem of the landlord is very simple. As long as you are willing to charge money, it can be solved. Charging money will make you stronger.
