The problem of mixed arrangement of P tags in Chinese and English?



code is generated by a rich text editor

the code is as follows

<p style="text-align:left;"><span style="color:-sharpffffff;"><span style="font-family:NotoSansSC-DemiLight;"><span style="font-size:0.75em;">buyer ID</span></span></span>

display just like the top b.

what causes this, and how to solve this problem?

add that the same font locally will not have this problem, but it will occur online


line height, font size, check it out

font, try it in Song style, "font-family:NotoSansSC-DemiLight;"

do not know your online environment specifically refers to the environment?
different browsers on different devices have different representations of the same code, and visual inspection is related to the environment (device, configuration, browser, etc.).
I hope you can find the answer to the Android environment in this article:
