Webpack introduces Picture path problem

Hello, everyone
I have tried three ways to introduce pictures at the same time
the first is that HTML introduces




because I used html-withimg-loader, all the html pictures came out, and the js pictures came out without processing, but the css pictures didn"t come out.
I tried to add publicPath to url-loader, but this will cause the pictures in html and js not to come out.
these three exist at the same time, so I can"t find a solution.
ask the gods, thank you


have you installed file-loader
document with ides/asset-management/-sharp%E5%8A%A0%E8%BD%BD%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87" rel=" nofollow noreferrer > loading

extract-text The setting of-webpack-plugin has a parameter for publicPath. Is to set the position relationship between the picture and the css. According to your dist directory division, publicPath can be set to .. /
