Does cPP's exception handling mechanism mean that only throw can catch it?

has never used exception handling, so I am not clear about this. Recently, when I was working on a qt project, I considered adding this, but I simply wrote a program and found that

-sharpinclude "mainwindow.h"
-sharpinclude <QVBoxLayout>

-sharpinclude <QPushButton>
-sharpinclude <exception>

struct Node
    int x;
    int y;

MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent)
    : QMainWindow(parent)
    edit = new QTextEdit;

    QPushButton* btn = new QPushButton("start");
    connect(btn, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::Slot);

    resize(500, 500);

    QWidget* w = new QWidget;
    QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout;




void MainWindow::Slot()
        Node* p = nullptr;
        p->x = 1;
    catch (std::exception& e)

when the button is pressed, the Slot function is called, but in actual operation, the textedit box does not show any abnormal information, and the program crashes and exits directly.

I Google search articles, everyone wrote, is throw, and then try...catch. Then I asked my colleague to write the same WPF program for me, and it detected it.

so I wonder: can only throw catch cPP"s exception handling mechanism?

ask for explanation.


that's right.

WPF uses. Net framework. If you use c-sharp to implement the same function, you must be able to catch exceptions.
if implemented in unmanaged code, it is also possible to catch, thanks to the windows SEH (structured exception handling) mechanism.

you can also use vc's _ _ try/__catch mode with qt to try.
