How to block PHPStorm error report

as shown in the picture, these codes are the SDK files of Wechat. How to block the error messages on the full screen like PHPStorm

the error message is

"the thrown object must be an instance of the exception"
< H2 > < / H2 >

I"m using ThinkPHP
Wechat"s SDK is all require_once import files
I want to change it all to namespaces
I don"t know if this will work
I"ve set namespaces for all five files, it doesn"t seem to work


look at whether you have a few files, or that the file is not in the phpstorm path

if there are fewer files and light shielding errors, you still cannot run
if the file is not in the path of PHPSTORM, just put it in the appropriate location, or add the library path file-> settings-> directories

this prompt is not caused by Inspection and cannot be closed.

check first to see if the class is loaded correctly, and then see if WxPayExcepiton does not inherit the Exception class
