Layui Calendar component, click the clear button to clear the value selected by the date plug-in

problem description

wrote two calendar components to correspond before and after, to control the time interval, and the latter cannot be smaller than the previous one. Now I first choose the latter time, click clear, and then open it again, select the first time, and find that the second time still affects the choice of the first time. At this point, I wonder if there is any way to clear the selected value


the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

wrote two input calendars that correspond to each other and passed values to the background. Now set the time interval, that is, the back cannot be smaller than the front, and then click clear next time it will not be affected by the time set last time. Now, if there is no else, it will be affected and set. The end of emptying there will not be affected, but the end of emptying there will not be affected, but at the end of emptying, there is no direct choice here


related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

var startTime = laydate.render({ //
    elem: "-sharpstartDate",
    done: function (value, date) { //
        if (value !== "") { //
            endTime.config.min = {
                year: date.year,
                month: date.month - 1,
        } else {
            endTime.config.min = {
                year: 1900,
                month: 0, //
                date: 1

var endTime = laydate.render({ //
    elem: "-sharpendDate",
    done: function (value, date) { //
        if (value !== "") { //
            startTime.config.max = {
                year: date.year,
                month: date.month - 1,
        } else {
            startTime.config.max =  {
                year: 1900-2099,
                month: 0, //
                date: 1

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
