How does the jsx syntax use native click events in vue?

1. The code is as follows

        renderContent(h, { node, data, store }) {
            return (
            <span class="custom-tree-node">
                <span class="iconfont icon-wenjianjia"></span>
                <span class="tree-node-name">{node.label}</span>
                <el-dropdown class="MenueTreeDrop" trigger="click">
                    <span class="el-dropdown-link">
                        <i class="el-icon-arrow-right"></i>
                    <el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
                        <el-dropdown-item on-click={ () => this.treeAddShowDialog(data,"add")}></el-dropdown-item>
                        <el-dropdown-item on-click={ () => this.treeAddShowDialog(data,"edite")}></el-dropdown-item>
                        <el-dropdown-item on-click={ () => this.delWorkUnite(data)}></el-dropdown-item>

2. It is found that neither on-click nor onClick takes effect. The reason for
is that if you write click events in element ui drop-down components, you must @ to use native click events. However, native click events are not supported in the jsx syntax.
3. How on earth should I write click events here? Thank you

nativeOnClick= {() = > this.treeAddShowDialog (data,'add')}


 <button onClick={this.onClick}></button>

my direct onClick also triggered
. It may be that different scenarios
trigger different ways

< span

class= "ivu-table-filter ml-5"

nativeOnClick= {() = > {

letpopDom=document.querySelector (".poptip-custom");

popDom.classList.remove ("custom-hide");

popDom.classList.add ("custom-show");


I report an error in this way, The. Native modifier for v-on is only valid on components but it was used on . Is there any solution for component use only?
