Iview table deployment add component Select deployment is blocked.

problem description

iview table deployment add component Select deployment is blocked

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

css cannot adjust the occluded style

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

this.$set (this.listTable.columns [0], "render", (h, params) = > {

    let This = this
    return h(childrenTable, {
      props: {
        posts: {
          columns: [
              title: "",
              align: "center",
              render: (h, childParams) => {
                return h("div", [
                  h("Select", {
                    props: {
                      value: childParams.row.resourceId // 
                    on: {
                      "on-change": (resourceId) => {
                        childParams.row.resourceId = resourceId
                        this.savechildrenData(childParams, params)
                      "on-open-change": (info) => {
                  }, // optionArray
                  this.resourceSelect.map(function (type) {
                    return h("Option", {
                      props: {value: type.id}
                    }, type.resourceVisibleName)
                  h("div", {
                    class: {
                      "ivu-form-item-error-tip": true,
                      "errorShow": params.row.expandErrorShow
                    style: "display:none;",
                    domProps: {
                      innerHTML: ""
              title: "",
              align: "center",
              render: (h, childParams) => {
                return h("div", [
                  h("Button", {
                    props: {
                      type: "error",
                      size: "small",
                      icon: "md-trash"
                    style: {
                      display: this.listTable.childrenDatasInfo[params.index].length > 1 ? "inline-block" : "none"
                    domProps: {
                      title: ""
                    on: {
                      click: () => {
                        this.removeChildrenData(childParams, params)
          data: This.listTable.childrenDatasInfo[params.index]

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


have you tried adding z-index to select?

absolute relative z-index all use

transfer body Tabs fixed Table

this is the effect shown when no transfer attribute is added

if you have ideas, you can add Q906300642


did the parent add overflow: hidden ?

Select 2: {SARV 5: "title"; SARV 55: "iview table deployment add component Select deployment is blocked." ; SRV 4: "text"; SRV 6: "Thank you";}
