Graphql cannot be found at runtime after the combination of vue and django project

after combining vue project with django project,
Not Found: / graphql
[30/Jan/2019 05:37:44] "GET / graphql HTTP/1.1" 404 2064

but after searching, I found that there is no such graphql at all. I don"t know if it comes with it or in which library it comes with. This is the list of libraries


vuefrontend djangodistindex.html

will prompt this error when the page path is wrong or Page not found (404). I wonder if it is because I use vue-router as a route and do not handle some special routes. Because the first time I entered, I used a redirect to the landing page. The link probably looks like
. This will not report an error, but when I refresh the link again, I will prompt Page not found (404)


I wonder if you have set the vue-router.base attribute, such as

export default new Router({
    base: '/frontend/dist/',