Wechat sdk pays "errmsg": "chooseWXPay": permission denied

1. The official account has the right to pay
2.config. What if chooseWXPay
is entered in jsapilist but still reports an error when calling?

                        debug: true, // ,apialertpclogpc
                        appId: res.appId, // 
                        timestamp: res.timeStamp, // 
                        nonceStr: res.nonceStr, // 
                        signature: res.signature,// 
                        jsApiList: ["chooseWXPay"] // JS



are you Mini Program using official account to pay?

Hello, I have the same problem as you. Could you give me a reply if you want to know the solution?

what WeChat Pay has done is a big pit. There are no easy-to-use documents for all kinds of problems. You can see if the jump path of the payment is not set up correctly. I'm not sure whether I can use either the sdk payment of Mini Program and the official account.

have brothers solved it yet? I also use Mini Program to adjust this official account.

I also configured it this way before, but I didn't encounter it like this.

has anyone solved the problem?
