Vue initialization / reset Datagram error

  • form is complex. Use this method to initialize the data when closed:
    Object.assign(this.$data, this.$
  • but the external js method is introduced in data:
  • an error will be reported when calling closeDialog:

  • what should I do with it?

the call to this.$ () changes the this in the current data and no longer points to the current Vue instance. There is no $dayjs () method on this this, so an error is reported.
introduce this method into utils.js

import {getTime} from '@/utils/utils.js'
data () {
    return {
        start_time: getTime()
The $dayjs method does not exist on
this , and is not bound to $dayjs . If npm is introduced, just use it directly

both of you upstairs are very clear about the
@ qinchao888 principle, and the solution is right. Awesome!
because I use this function on a lot of pages, it's troublesome to introduce every page I use, so it's better to bind it globally.

so after understanding your answer, I slightly modified my data and related methods

        1.  '' 
                start_time: '',
        2. watch,mounted,onShow
            propsData(newValue, oldValue) {
                this.start_time = this.$dayjs().valueOf()
        3. :
        resetData() {
                Object.assign(this.$data, this.$

there are too many forms in the project, which are emptied after each submission. Manual re-assignment is both troublesome and error-prone, and this method of clearing data is very practical;
on the PC side, element-ui form verification is introduced, and calling this method will lead to automatic verification when entering the form, which has not been solved yet.
