How to use antd-pro "freely"?

after launching the antd-pro project address, it can be used right out of the box. But there are a lot of layouts have been written, it is difficult to change, change a place in many places have been reported wrong.


for example, if I want to remove the left navigation bar, is there any good way to change it?
I want to get rid of all the pages, leaving only frameworks such as webpack and dva for me to develop my own business components. Thank you


antd-pro out-of-the-box means to help you write common components, just fix it and use it right away.
if there are only skeletons and no components, some people feel unable to use them directly, and the user's goal is not the same.
generally asking this means that you don't know enough about this set of things or even the front end, otherwise you can match them freely according to webpack and dva. The learning framework should not only understand the basic directory structure, but also be familiar with its logical principles and ideas.

back to the problem itself, you find the SiderMenu in layouts under src is the code related to the menu bar. Comment it out first and you can see the effect.

I want to get rid of all the pages, leaving only frameworks such as webpack and dva for me to develop my own business components. Thank you

then why do you still use pro? just use umi.
