It is invalid to change the data-src of the video to src by crawling Wechat's official account article.

the article on Wechat"s official account crawled through python at the backend found that the video in the article could not be played, and the video was nested in iframe, as shown in

<iframe class="video_iframe" data-vidtype="2" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" data-ratio="0.5660377358490566" data-w="480" scrolling="no" style="display: none; overflow: hidden; width: 337px !important; height: 252.75px !important;" width="337" height="252.75" data-vh="252.75" data-vw="337" data-src=""></iframe>

then the backend successfully replaces data-src with src, through the rule and saves it to the database, but when accessed, src does not. Find the solution

data-src of

iframe is not url
when you open a connection on the new page, you can see that the video is a swf , and its url is

all replace the data-src attribute with src

Hello. Excuse me, you have replaced data-src with the src rule. I also have this need
