The value of the v-model binding has been cleared

when using the iview framework, I encounter a drop-down box bound through v-model. As long as other input boxes enter a value, the drop-down box will be emptied. I have encountered this situation before. I have not found any reasons and methods. I can only remove v-model for manual assignment. I would like to ask if God has a good solution. In such a situation


< FormItem label= "violation type" prop= "type" >

      <Select v-model="ddbForm.type">
        <Option v-for="(vio,index) of vioType" :key="index" v-text="vio.type" :value="vio.type"></Option>
    <FormItem label="" prop="basis">
      <Input v-model="ddbForm.basis" type="text" placeholder=""></Input>

is estimated to be changed to the above variable when typing. Take a look at it. Just listen to you say that you don't know the specific situation

Update: screenshots cannot be posted in comments, and that's your problem:



the value value you bound is affected, so change it

<Select v-model="formItem.type">
     <Option v-for="(vio,index) of vioType" :key='index' v-text='vio.type'></Option>
    //<Option v-for="(vio,index) of vioType" :key='index'>{{ vio.type }}</Option>  