What is the difference between views and components in vue-cli 3.x?

find out that views generally writes view components, but which .vue is not a view component, but basically is a view. When and where should it be put, and how to define this specification


everyone's project structure is different. This is how I distinguish between components.
components is a widget
containers is a container-level component (depending on the size of the project)
views is a page-level component

distinguish components-(containers)-views from component size level

components are widgets that are packaged together in views.
Mini Program also has view, for reference.

although they are all written as components, their functions are obviously different. How can views be distinguished from components ?
you write a home page Index.vue this must be a page views
you write a front page IndexHeader.vue this is a component components

Learning, just beginning to learn vuecli3.0, I also encountered the problem of what to put in components and views
