Make a Mini Program page of the questionnaire. It is required that the problem can be created dynamically and then the value can be taken.

as shown in the above figure, it is required to create a question dynamically and then take a value. But like a two-way slider. Two variable assignments are required. If there are three and four sliders at once. How can I dynamically create the value of a variable? There is no train of thought at the moment.


you can refer to
title: title
name: the field name of the topic
type: topic type, drop-down selection, scope selection or direct text filling. When circular rendering, select different components
data: topic data according to this judgment. For example, range selection requires a start and end, and drop-down selection requires data to choose
value: topic value. The value selected or filled by the user may be a string or an array of ranges.

topic data list

        title: ''
        name: 'area',
        type: 'area',
        data: [0,300],
        value: []
        title: '',
        name: 'city',
        type: 'select',
        data: [
                label: '',
                value: '110000'
        value: ''
        title: '',
        name: 'position'
        type: 'input',
        value: ''

render data

    <li v-for="(item, index) in list">
        <div>{{index}}.{{ item.title}}</div>
        <!--  -->
        <template v-if="item.type === 'input'">
            <input v-model="item.value" />

get the selected data

let ajaxSendData = {}//ajax
//    area: [0, 100],
//    city: '110000',
//    position: ''
for(let i = 0; i < list.length; iPP) {
    ajaxSendData[list[i].name] = list[i].value