How does the window height get smaller when electron-vue clicks minimize under windows?

in the Windows system, it is not allowed to modify the window size, click to minimize the window, resulting in a continuous reduction in height each time the window is displayed. Such a problem does not occur under Mac.

screenshot of the question:

if you have tried not to use electron-vue, you wouldn"t have such a problem, but now you need to use electron-vue.

related codes

let mainWindow
function createWindow () {
    mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
       width: 340,
       height: 550,
       useContentSize: true,
       // ,resizable: false,
       resizable: false, 
       fullscreen: false,
       fullscreenable: false,
       webPreferences: {
         // devTools: false // 

is there any way to solve such a problem? ask God for advice!
