The PHP7.2+ version installs the Mcrypt extension of PECL, but still prompts that the function is obsolete

the mcrypt function library was deprecated at 7.1.0 and moved into PECL

at 7.2.0.


but when using the function, it is still prompted that the function is abandoned. I hope all the great gods will give me some advice


sometimes there is bug in the manual. Try to lower the version

if a function exists and can be called, you can ignore this obsolete prompt

when there is something wrong with the Chinese manual, read the English version

official English MCrypt document


This feature was DEPRECATED in PHP 7.1.0, and REMOVED in PHP 7.2.0. 

it is suggested to use Sodium or OpenSSL as an alternative

if you don't want to modify the code, modify the environment. If you don't want to change the environment, modify the code. Php7.2 has abandoned mcrypt. Could you tell me how you use mcrypt encryption?
