What is the purpose of using qs in axios?

I think it is said on the Internet that qs.stringify () serializes objects in the form of URL and splices them with &.
for example, when I send the following data in this way, the backend can also receive it. So what is the use of qs converting parameters to URL to send data?

{email: "5224663@qq.com", password: 123456}

axios's default content-type is application/json
, the format in which the java backend often asks you to put parameters in body . The style of
transmission is


the get request of the ajax request is passed through URL (with? Connect with the & character), while post mostly passes parameters through json.
qs is a library. The stringify method can convert a json object directly to? The form of a connection with the & symbol).
in development, the input parameter that sends the request is mostly an object. When sending, if the request is a get request, the parameters need to be converted. Using this library, you can convert it automatically without having to splice it manually.
