WeChat Pay H5 chrome can't jump back to redirect_uri?

problem description

WeChat Pay h5 chrome cannot jump back to redirect_uri

the callback addresses of Samsung"s own browser and chrome browser are invalid and return directly to the page where the payment was initiated.

let wxPay = await axios("", {
            "cmd": "ticket.buyOrder",
            "params": {"ticketType": this.p, "oid": id, "addressNum": this.default, "payType": "other"}
          }, "post", {"cmd": "ticket.buyOrder"})
          let getUrl = await self.recharge(wxPay.price, wxPay.orderId, wxPay.addressnumber)
          let url = encodeURIComponent(`http://xxx.com/-sharp/web?oid=${getUrl.out_trade_no}`);
          window.location.href = `${getUrl.mweb_url}&redirect_url=${url}`

you can jump to the callback address with both uc and QQ Browser.
now I add parameters to the callback address, pay for the parameters of the query url, and pop up the window to query the payment result for the user.
I guess it"s the browser"s problem. If it"s the browser"s problem, how to solve the problem of paying the query results?


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Wechat H5 callback address cannot take parameters. There is a problem with the HASH route of Wechat H5 payment callback.
unified callback to a static page. WeChat Pay adds callback parameters,
such as:'



also ask about this solution

when referring to this https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/article/doc/000ae2118a8b38c3a80ae419251c13

jump to the Wechat link, don't use window.location.href, just use window.location.replace, why you don't know
