Administrator account password of gitlab

gitlab is installed in the pagoda panel. After installation, visit the URL of gitlab and register an account. After logging in, you find that it is not the default administrator account. Where is the default administrator account?


refer to

a, change directory: cd / opt/gitlab/bin

b, execute: sudo gitlab-rails console production command to start initializing password

c, find and switch accounts through u=User.where (id:1) .first after irb (main): 001id:1 0 > (User.all can view all users)

d, set the password to 12345678 through u. Passwordpassword 12345678' (see if you like the password here):

e, reconfirm the password through u.passwordencrypmationkeeper 12345678'

f, through! Save (remember later!)

g. If you see the true in the screenshot above, congratulations on your success. Just execute exit to exit the current configuration process.

h, when you return to gitlab, you can log in

through the super admin account of root/12345678.