I haven't figured it out about the integration of storybook and lerna.

problem description

  • After lerna executes lerna bootstrap , each component package has its own set of node_module , and these node_module are used for packaging.
  • storybook also has its own set of node_module . These node_module are used to run storybook and look at components.

Project directory is packages directory and storybook src directory is equal

so two sets of node_module are difficult to manage,

  1. it is possible that storybook runs well, but there is a problem with packaging
  2. may be packaged. There is a problem running under storybook
  3. .

do you artificially avoid the above situation?

is it possible that I put packages in the src directory to reuse node_module of storybook ?


dependent modules are put on the outermost
