The question of the path in vue-cli Project

<img src="assets/10.jpg" alt="">
<img src="./assets/10.jpg" alt="">
<img src="../assets/10.jpg" alt="">
<img src="./../assets/10.jpg" alt="">
<img src="./../../assets/10.jpg" alt="">

these.. /. / Fools are not sure what they mean. Can you teach me a lesson? thank you


does not write . / and . / both represent the same level directory, that is, the current directory, .. / and . /.. / indicate the directory above the current directory, and so on.

. / current directory, .. / parent directory, . /.. / equates to .. /
but there is no need to dwell on this confusion. If conditions allow for absolute positioning, it will be clearer @ / assets/10.jpg @.. / assets/10.jpg
but there are actually not so many problems. Throw the picture directly into the static folder
/ > </code> so that the development environment is consistent with the production environment </p>					</div>
										<div class=

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