Can axios configure public params?

if the question belongs to
I have three fields that must be added to all requests and must be placed in params
now what I want to ask is does axios have a way to configure these three fields as common parameters
Thank you all for answering


const requestBefore = (config) = > {
config. Params = {


return config;

axios.interceptors.request.use (requestBefore);

just add it to the interceptor

you can take a look at "

  1. transformRequest add
axios.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data) {

2. Add

to the interceptor

axios interceptor (you can also use this as a loading. before each request) attach a link link description

  config => {
    // token token
    const USER_TOKEN = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('user')) && JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('user')).USER_TOKEN
    // token,
    if(USER_TOKEN && !config.url.includes('login')){
      config.headers.common['USER_TOKEN'] = USER_TOKEN
    return config
  err => {
    return Promise.reject(err)

what I answered before is more or less the same. You can take a look at
