Use terraform to install dc/os in Google Cloud, the steps of the official website to report an error?

problem description

terraform init can. Plan reports an error. The tutorial provided by Mesosphere does not mention this error, nor does it mention the need to configure the forwarding policy. iders/google/r/compute_forwarding_rule.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> does not know how to configure for DC/OS.

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

wsl ubuntu 16.04, Google Cloud, networking using sstap

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)
variable "dcos_install_mode" {
description = "specifies which type of command to execute. Options: install or upgrade"
default = "install"

data "http"whatismyip" {
url = ""


module "dcos" {
source = "dcos-terraform/dcos/gcp"

cluster_name = "my-open-dcos"
ssh_public_key_file = "~ / .ssh/"
admin_ips = ["${data.http.whatismyip.body} / 32"]

num_masters = "1"
num_private_agents = "2"
num_public_agents = "1"

dcos_version = "1.10.9"

-sharp dcos_variant = "ee"
-sharp dcos_license_key_contents = "${file (". / license.txt ")}"
dcos_variant = "open"

dcos_install_mode = "${var.dcos_install_mode}"

output "masters-ips" {
value = "${module.dcos.masters-ips}"

output "cluster-address" {
value = "${module.dcos.masters-loadbalancer}"

output "public-agents-loadbalancer" {
value = "${module.dcos.public-agents-loadbalancer}"

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

Error: module.dcos.module.dcos-infrastructure.module.dcos-forwarding-rules.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-masters.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-masters.google_compute_forwarding_rule.forwarding_rule_config [0]:: invalid or unknown key: labels

Error: module.dcos.module.dcos-infrastructure.module.dcos-forwarding-rules.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-masters.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-masters.google_compute_forwarding_rule.forwarding_rule_config [1]:: invalid or unknown key: labels

Error: module.dcos.module.dcos-infrastructure.module.dcos-forwarding-rules.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-public-agents.module.dcos-forwarding-rule-public-agents.google_compute_forwarding_rule.forwarding_rule_config:: invalid or unknown key: labels
