On the pointing problem of Arrow function this

with regard to the this direction of the arrow function, I have always used Ruan Yifeng"s big judgment criterion:



according to Ruan Da"s criteria, test3 should output obj, and the results of test1 and test2 caused my brain to shut down. I am now completely


do not understand why there is such a result, ask the boss for advice.

There is no this binding in the

arrow function, and its value must be determined by looking for scope. Simply put, this binds the this of the nearest non-arrow function. The this of the arrow function in
1 and test1 points to the this bound within the test1 function, that is, the outer layer of the arrow function in obj
2 and test2 is still the outer layer of the arrow function. We have to find the outer layer of obj , that is, the outer layer of the arrow function in window
3, test3 is the outer layer of obj , that is, window
is actually the same as test3. No matter how many layers of arrow functions are embedded in the method, the main thing to make clear is that test1,test2,test3 is a first-class method of obj, and then there is the outside of obj, not inside of obj.

I don't know how to interpret this sentence, but it must be the runtime that determines the value of this . (this has nothing to do with the arrow function)

let test = function() {


let obj = { test }


arrow function does not create its own this , it only inherits this from one layer above its scope chain.

this in several cases:

  1. new , pointing to the new object.
  2. bind/apply/call , point to the first parameter (or window if the first parameter is null ).
  3. points to the object as a method call to the object.
  4. The
  5. function call points to window .

Please re-check your this against the above rules. In addition, numerous articles on the site have introduced this , please search by yourself.

the arrow function has already determined the direction before it runs. Without this, the one bound is the this of the nearest non-arrow function.

test4: function () {
                console.log("test4", this);

assuming that it is a normal function, this points to obj, because there is no arrow function and no binding, so look for the next layer is window

this rule seems ambiguous. The
arrow function does not have this , and the this value changes from parent scope -- grandfather scope --. Go all the way up to the global scope . (can be regarded as the search order of variables)

this printed in

test1 is equivalent to this in parent scope test1. this printed in
test2 and test3 is equivalent to this in the global scope found all the way up.


it's all in the picture
