What is the use of v-ps in vue?

to hand over the project of a colleague who has left, you now need to change two pictures.
it seems that he used the v-ps command in the div tag to directly introduce the picture as the background image, but I looked through other scss/css files and couldn"t find how his style was written in it.
two places where there are comments is that I can"t see what this v-ps is in Baidu.

  <div id="p_register">
    <div v-ps:login_title></div>   //
    <div class="loginBox">
      <div class="info_li">
        <img class="icon" v-ps:icon_phone>
        <input type="text" class="input_phone" placeholder="" v-model="phone" @blur="fixedIOS12">
      <div class="info_li">
        <img class="icon" v-ps:icon_idc>
        <input type="text" class="input_idc" placeholder="" v-model="idc" @blur="fixedIOS12">
        <img class="getIDC" :class="{useless: useless}" v-ps:login_getIDC @click="getIDC">
        <span class="leftTime tt50" v-show="useless">{{useless}}</span>
     <div v-ps:login_log @click="login"></div>   //

1. ide/custom-directive.html-sharp" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide... custom instruction to learn about
2. Search for v-ps under the editor's global src, but find me with no pick-up knife
