When vue uses {{xxx}} to render a page, if you write a method in method to render the page to render the page, the component cannot load it.

for example, in the figure above, there are two methods in method

    var typeText = "";
    switch(type) {
      case 0:
        typeText = ""
      case 1:
        typeText = ""
      case 2:
        typeText = ""
      case 3:
        typeText = ""
      case 4:
        typeText = ""
    return typeText;

this is used to judge the displayed text

according to the Type.

there is another method

    var btnsText = "";
    //type   button
    return `<van-button plain type="default" size="small"></van-button>`;

is used to determine what state and which button to display

the problem now is that the first method succeeds
but the second method cannot load the component

tried two methods
{{orderTypeBtnRender (item.Type)}} and vMuhtml = "orderTypeBtnRender (item.Type)"


cannot be displayed properly. Could you tell me how to write it?

because < van-button plain type= "default" size= "small" > deletes < / van-button >
the attribute plain type of this component, the content and the number of components are changed according to type


v-html can only be used to bind render native tags. Different type binds different buttons. You can use ide/components-dynamic-async.html-sharpad" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> dynamic components to write

<component :is="btnType"></component>
// btnType  van-button 

Why can't I render it first?
1, {{orderTypeBtnRender (item.Type)}}
in this case, Vue treats orderTypeBtnRender (item.Type) as a text and does not parse, similar to the innerText attribute.

2, "orderTypeBtnRender (item.Type)"
this situation is similar to innerHTML, if you are a normal tag (div,p,table,span, etc.), parsing is fine, but the browser does not know what van-button is. So there's no way to explain it.

A normal van-button component should look like the following:

    <button v-for="(item, index) in list" :key="index">{{item.name}}</button>

export default {
  name: 'VanButton',
  props: {
    type: String
  data() {
    return {
      list: []
  created() {
    if (this.type === '1') {
      this.list = [{name: ''}, {name: ''},{name: ''}];
    } else {
      this.list = [{name: ''}];

when used as follows, different type rendering buttons are different:

<van-button type="1"></van-button>
<van-button type="2"></van-button>

the rendering result is as follows:

Vue official tutorial address: ide/components-slots.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide...
suggest you have time to read this, basic development is not a problem, and then take a look at Vue Route,Vuex and so on.

Why don't you package the item-btns into a component, pass type to the encapsulated component, and then render it with the render function, which makes it feel better

filter is most suitable for your scenario.
ide/filters.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://cn.vuejs.org/v2/guide...
