Mini Program needs HTTPS. Can I use a registered domain name and a foreign VPS?

problem description

the current use of virtual hosts purchased in school days + registered domain names, but only virtual hosts, and is php, search the Ali Cloud virtual host solution to HTTPS, and see the purchase of a HTTPS CDN, it seems to be unsuccessful, and later found it tedious and did not try. There is also a foreign vps,SS+ to learn from nodejs, and the bound domain name is also bought by foreign service providers without filing. Now ready to merge into one for a foreign VPS with strong performance, and then use the domain name for the domestic record, which should meet the requirements of Mini Program. You only need the domain name for the domestic record, and there is no requirement that the server be domestic.

Yes, you can do this. In domain name management, you can bind the ip of the purchased host vps to the domain name setting.
