It is invalid to use ExoPlayer to play AES encrypted files and to use seekTo

because the audio file is too long for users to listen to at one time, I hope users can listen to it directly from what they have heard next time, but the seekTo () method is invalid because my audio file is encrypted by AES.


  1. is seekTo supported for normal playback in the same format?
  2. how does seekTo, play encrypted audio if normal playback is supported?

     * Reads the next four bytes as an unsigned integer into an integer, if the top bit is a zero.
     * @throws IllegalStateException Thrown if the top bit of the input data is set.
    public int readUnsignedIntToInt() {
        int result = readInt();
        if (result < 0) {
            result = -result;
//            throw new IllegalStateException("Top bit not zero: " + result);
        return result;

I am rewriting the ParsableByteArray class to modify this method, so that I can seekto the progress, but the page will miscolor and distort.
