Wechat JSAPI payment

as shown in the figure, where the red line is drawn, the QR code is generated through the interface. Which interface is it

the business is like this. Can you scan the official QR code sent by Wechat to merchants to make the JSAPI payment (a payment page) developed by me?
is to scan the official code of Wechat and pay on the payment page developed by me

the API here refers to the interface that converts the merchant page url into a QR code, and the library is not necessarily provided by Wechat.
reference (first step):

Wechat and Alipay both have open source integrated sdk suggestions to use it directly. Direct development will step on a lot of document holes,

php recommends this package, which I have used


python uses
python" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://github.com/zwczou/wei...

document address

Interface url is https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com...
