There are many places on the page that need to be paged. A paging component is written in vue, and the data source obtained from the background is different in each place.

there are several places on the page that need to be paged. A paging component is written with vue. The data source obtained from the background is different in each place. The paging components are as follows:

            return {
                all: "", //
        cur: 1,//
         btnClick: function(data){//
                let _this=this;
        if(data != this.cur){
            this.cur = data 
    pageClick: function(){
           let _this=this;
    computed: {
    indexs: function(){
      var left = 1;
      var right = this.all;
      var ar = [];
      if(this.all>= 5){
        if(this.cur > 3 && this.cur < this.all-2){
                left = this.cur - 2
                right = this.cur + 2
                left = 1
                right = 5
                right = this.all
                left = this.all -4
    while (left <= right){
        left PP
    return ar
template:`<div class="page-bar">
                <li v-if="cur>1"><a v-on:click="cur--,pageClick()"></a></li>
                <li v-if="cur==1"><a class="banclick"></a></li>
                <li v-for="index in indexs"  v-bind:class="{ "active": cur == index}">
                    <a v-on:click="btnClick(index)">{{ index }}</a>
                <li v-if="cur!=all"><a v-on:click="curPP,pageClick()"></a></li>
                <li v-if="cur == all"><a class="banclick"></a></li>
The search methods of

btnclick and pageclick are used to call different data paging api, so if I call the same api when I call < page-bar > < page-bar > everywhere, is there any way to distinguish

I think, do you want to ask how can each component call a different api?
in fact, the search method you write in the component is thrown out with this.$emit and carries the page number, and the parent component can handle the api method


when called

<page-bar @changePage="changePage" ><page-bar>

    // api