Forced type conversion in checked

C-sharp Advanced programming
Chapter 7 there is such a code in budget characters and forced type conversions

    Currency balance = (Currency)(-50.50);

where Currency is a custom class that overrides cast

public static explicit operator Currency (float value)
    uint dollars = (uint)value;
    ushort cents = (ushort)((value - dollars) * 100);
    return new Currency(dollars, cents);

adding checked to the code inside the method body alone can trigger an exception assigned to uint with a negative number, but not if the overridden method is called through the class"s cast as above. The book says

The actual location of the
overflow exception is not at all in the Main () routine-- it occurs in the code of the cast operator, which is called in the Main () method and is not marked as checked

what does this mean? Please advise
