Vue-awesome-swiper, can be rotated, but the swiper-pagination is empty and there is no paging effect. What is the reason?

vue-awesome-swiper, can be used in

vue, but the swiper-pagination is empty and there is no paging effect.
< div data-v-5818899c= "" class= "swiper-pagination" > < / div >

< swiper: options= "swiperOption" ref= "mySwiper" >

<!-- slides -->
<!-- Optional controls -->
<div class="swiper-pagination"  slot="pagination"></div>

< / swiper >

swiperOption: {

pagination: ".swiper-pagination",
paginationClickable: true,
autoplay: {
  delay: 3000,
  stopOnLastSlide: false,
  disableOnInteraction: true
loop: true


has been resolved. Change pagination: ".swiper-pagination" to pagination: {el: ".swiper-pagination"}, and that's fine
