How does thinphp5 write session? in the entry file

because you want to create an additional administrative entry, it is convenient to change the name of the entry file.



namespace app\admin\controller;
use think\Controller;

class Login extends Controller
    public function index(){
        if (!session("AdminLogin")) {
            header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8");
        if (session("app.USER_AUTH_KEY")) {
        return view();
The purpose of

is to give a session, directly to the user when accessing the admin.php entry file so that he can determine whether it is entered from the entry file or not.
but the session (), of TP5 cannot be used directly in the entry file. If you use the $_ SESSION of PHP

$_SESSION["AdminLogin"] = 1;

then using session ("AdminLogin") in Login will not be available.
how can I use tp5"s session () in the entry file?


thanks for the invitation. I know the general idea of the subject. I want to confirm which entry file the user enters from. @ Panda Sang, @ Shangguan Yuanheng all have a point. But I don't quite agree with the idea that the session function can only be executed after it is loaded automatically. It is only available after the introduction of the file helper.php. For the introduction of rules, take a look at the init method in\ thinkphp\ library\ App.php. So to use the session function, you can make the following changes in the entry file


because session () is loaded later
