"Host key verification failed" appears when gitlab runner goes to execute the script

  1. when using gitlab-ci to build a task, the following error occurs when executing the git clone task or push

ssh-keyscan-t rsa github.com > > ~ / .ssh/known_hosts

after query.

there is no problem with manual clone on the server where runner is located, but only when runner is listening. What is the reason?


probably because your key is under the administrator directory, and the runner user does not have this rsa key

have you solved this problem? I have also encountered this problem.


I have encountered the problem that the rsa key of gitlab-runner users is not set

, to see if there is no disable shared runner,. In this way, runner may not be the runner you expected, it may be running on other machines, but that machine does not have a corresponding rsa

I have encountered, has this problem been solved?
