Ant design pro mock handoff service configuration problem

.roomhogrc.mock.js is configured as follows:

const noProxy = (process.env.NO_PROXY === "true");
"GET /api/currentUser": {

$desc: "",
$params: {
  pageSize: {
    desc: "",
    exp: 2,
$body: {
  name: "Serati Ma",
  avatar: "",
  userid: "00000001",
  notifyCount: 12,
export default (noProxy
? { "/*": "" }
: delay(proxy, 1000));

how should I modify the request or send it to localhost:8080, after this configuration? Urgent, ask for answers, ask for comments


There are two methods for

(1) npm start:no-proxy launch
(2) modify start partial settings in the package.json file.

"start": "cross-env NO_PROXY=true DISABLE_ESLINT=true roadhog dev",

npm run start:no-proxy

can you take a screenshot of your .webpackrc? I also encountered this problem. After setting proxy, it still doesn't work. Maybe my proxy location is not written correctly. After I set up proxy, the url of network is still local
