Ionic2 on the problem of ion-list rendering

use ionic2+angularjs4 for mixed development and use < ion-list > tags for layout. The small circle part and the list part are both < ion-list > cloth games, but during the real machine test, it is found that the small circle in the current view is normal, and the small circle is not obscured in the current view. Please give me some advice. Here is part of the code

< ion-list no-lines class= "listSty" >

  <div *ngFor="let item of classDate;" style="margin-left: 10px">
    <ion-item no-padding class="itemSty backgroundImgDiv" *ngIf="item.themeStatus != "TRS_003"">
      <div class="backgroundImgDiv"
           [class.backgroundYellowImg]="item.themeStatus != "TRS_003"">
        <div class="numLabel">NO.{{item.lessonOrder | number : "2.0"}}</div>
        <div class="dataLabel">{{item.lessonDate | date:"MMdd"}}</div>

<ion-list [reorder] = allowChange (ionItemReorder)="reorderItems($event)" no-lines>
  <div *ngFor="let classItem of classInformation;">
    <ion-item  style="margin-top: 10px; height: 70px;" *ngIf="classItem.themeStatus != "TRS_003"">
      <div class="textLabel changeCol">
The problem of

has been solved. Use 2 < ion-list > to change one of the drag styles. The problem has been solved successfully
