How to dynamically add rows and dynamically calculate internal values in vue tables

< hr >

the amount, discount ratio and discount amount in the table shown in the figure can be entered. The conversion relationship is:
amount X discount ratio = discount amount
and click the add row button to dynamically add a row of table rows, where each column is still an input box.
ask how to add two columns of data in each row and dynamically get the remaining data, such as writing 100 in the first row. If the ratio is 0.6, then the discount amount is automatically converted to 60, or the discount is written into 60, the proportion is written into 0.6, the amount is automatically converted to 100, and the total below is also calculated automatically.
ask for advice.


with the help of vue, it's easy.

Line number
output index when traversing, just like js traversing an array.

v-for="(item, index) in items"
<td>{{index + 1}}</td>

the final total
is written with a fixed tr tag.
the sum of each column and the sum of that column can be calculated by passing the total data into the method or filter, and it is also dynamic.


you can add events to your input

// template 

<el-input v-model="address.jine" @change="getAmount(index)" placeholder="" class="inLine"></el-input>

//  js me.listAdress table
getAmount (index) {
                let me = this
                let totalAmout = 0
                for (let i = 0; i <= index; iPP){
                    totalAmout += Number( me.listAdress[i].jine)

is your form generated by v-for

 <button @click="addnewTr"></button>
    <tr v-for="(item,index) in trs" :key="index">
        <td><input type="text"></td>
        <td><input type="text"></td>

like this
