The use of Github markdown language

can you only use the markdown language in in github?
I"ve experimented with using the markdown language in other files, but it doesn"t work. Ask for popular science ~


is generally used in md files, not necessarily

.md is a general extension of markdown files. Files with secondary extensions in github will automatically try to call the corresponding parsing process to display, not limited to files, your will also be parsed.

because you didn't give the specific content and naming format of the other file, you don't know why it wasn't parsed.

The readme of

github does not have to use markdown , but if you use the markdown file suffix must correspond to the content, otherwise how to identify the content of the file, in that way of parsing?

< hr > < table > < tr > < td > language < / td > < td > suffix < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > markdown < / td > < td > .md < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > asciidoctor < / td > < td > .adoc / .asciidates < / td > < / tr > < / table >

of course, github also supports many other text markup languages, so there are no examples of them.
