What is the principle and instructions of Baidu sharing plug-in?

1. Is the style of the red box above provided by the Baidu sharing plug-in?
2, how the code needs to use the plug-in


1, yes;
2, embed code snippets shared by Baidu in html.
< div class= "bdsharebuttonbox" > < / div >
< script > window._bd_share_config= {"common" "bdPic": "," bdStyle ":" 0 "," bdSize ":" 16 "}," share ": {}," image ": {" viewList ": [" qzone "," tsina "," tqq "," renren "," weixin "]," viewText ":" share to: "," viewSize ":" 16 "}," selectShare ": {" bdContainerClass ": null," bdSelectMiniList ": [" qzone "," tsina "," tqq "," renren "," weixin "]}}; With (document) 0 [(getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] | | body) .appendChild (createElement (' script')). Src=' http://share.baidu.com/code
