[WeChat Mini Programs] the parameters passed by navigateTo cannot be used to call the backend API.

  onLoad: function (options) {

      articleId: options.article_id

    let contentGroupID = 000000000000000
    let MyContentGroup = new wx.BaaS.ContentGroup(contentGroupID)
    MyContentGroup.getContent(articleId).then(res => {
      // success
    }, err => {
      // err
  data: {


error report:

articleId is not defined;at pages/apps/articles/articles page lifeCycleMethod onLoad function
ReferenceError: articleId is not defined

in fact, I have successfully obtained this articleId and can display it on the page. However, I now hope to use this number to check the content of this article, because this is the id of this article.

I don"t know what this is all about. Please take a look at it. Thank you!

cannot be used directly: articleId
but should go like this: this.data.articleId
